Friday, May 20, 2011


Spectacular sun, as she rises and sets,
A molten majesty, changing her dress.
Towering mountains, snow waterfalls,
Lighted night skies and windows that call--
Thank God for sight.

Smell of wood fire on chilled, outdoor air;
Fresh balsam scent of rain almost there,
Polish dogs and funnel cakes at the fair;Fresh cut flowers, my granddaughter's hair Thank God for smell.
Music that makes me sing, dance, or sigh.
Laughter of children, I do or don't know;
First declarations of love, whispered low--
Thank God for hearing.

Potatoes and gravy, Mom's roast or chicken,
Cold taste of snow-cream in warm, cozy kitchen; 
Corn and green beans, fresh from the garden,
Dark chocolate and coffee, iced watermelon--
Thank God for taste.

The touch of a loved one's lips on your own,
The feel of comfort in just coming home;
Clean sheets on bare legs, warm feel of a hug;
Eyelash tickle of a cute ladybug--
Thank God for touch.

Grant me inner sense to see injustice,
Scent signs of abuse, hear soft cries for help,
Delicious taste of another's success,
Touch to express to those beyond myself--
Your awesome love!

Actually, I'd planned to save this particular poem for later, but I just decided I wanted to remind us to savor what we've been freely given.  Awhile back, I posted "Spirit-Conducted Symphony" in which I emphasized the wisdom of not allowing our feelings to rule our lives.  I still believe that to be sound advice, but here's the balancing part; thank God for the senses He gives to so richly enjoy life!  How boring it would be to be robotic zombies!:)  (And often, when we get what some call a "gut feeling", it could be our spirit prompting us).  We're not disembodied spirits, after all; we're not all intellect and will; we're not all emotions; we're more than just physical.  God wants to bring all parts into balance to make us one whole person--as in complete, as in well!  He loves you!


  1. Malena you amaze me with this poetry! This is a good one.

    I love to write poems, but I haven't been inspired lately. I just have to feel them and then I write them down. But I haven't been feeling too well lately, and have slowed down a bit. Hopefully one will come to me soon! (:>)

    Where does your inspiration come from? Or when do you write? I usually do it first thing in the morning when the house is quiet and I am the only one awake. Or while I am still lying in bed in the morning and the words just come in my head, so then I get up and write them down.

    I am so glad I found you here in blogland so that I can enjoy your talents and gifts. And reading your poems is like having devotion time with the Lord!

    God Bless!

    Linda @ Truthful Tidbits

  2. What an encourager you are, Linda! So sorry you've not been feeling well. I will certainly keep you in my prayers.

    I've always loved writing--wrote a few poems but was never into it till fall of '85. Like you, my inspiration often comes late night or early am. Sometimes, a recent conversation or something I've heard or read starts thoughts running, but often, the words just come.
    "Signature Fragrance", the one you first liked, just dropped into my heart & mind as I was sensing God's presence early, while still in bed, with the breeze blowing thru' my window.
    I intend to ask you to befriend me on fb so that I can jot a private message occasionally--tho' if you're not comfortable with that, that's fine, too. Just so glad I have found YOU! :)
