Monday, May 23, 2011


Dreamers 36

Daring to dream, I delighted in discovery;
Anticipation raised my smile, singing energy.
Repeat disappointments, no control, sickened my soul,
leaving only a shattered part of my whole being.
Disillusioned from dancing with flirting, deferred hopes,
 I bowed low to defeat, vowed to retreat from dreaming
A still, small voice inside heart and head,
whispered instead...

Better to die dreaming
and fully live
than let the dream die
and live dead inside.

There's death to visible development of the dream,
a time when dreamer is being developed.
Derailers of the dream, who dislike dream and dreamer,
but its Designer will deliver its destiny.
No mistaken identity of His creation;
brings implanted life to fullness of time fruition.

So, singing victory's song
I will dream on!
Knowing God will perform
what He has begun!

What recurring desire fills your heart when you contemplate your life purpose?  Is it in accordance with God's Word and something you are comfortable with when you sense God's nearness?  If so, I believe He birthed it into your spirit, for He works in us "to will and to do His pleasure" when we belong to Him.  Sometimes, it takes preparation on our part, a willingness to wait for His working and timing in other people or situations, even what may seem to others a bit foolhardy risk of faith and trust obedience.  We may have to let go of the good to grasp the better; the better, to lay hold of the best.  "Where there is no vision, the people live carelessly."  (other translations:  "cast off restraint", "coast with brakes off", "perish")   Suffice it to say, we crash or cave in to substandard living without a dream beyond ourselves to anticipate.  We must see our part in God's overall plan.

Why settle for mediocrity?  Why give up, resign ourselves to a mindset impregnated with hopelessness and unbelief?  Hope, joy, strength accompany believing.  Sadness and despair keep company with negativity.  A personal undiscovered answer does not nullify its existence.  Even when the dream seems dead, God can rebirth something in us, in others through us.   

Yes, there is the balancing side.  Presumption, pride, denial, irresponsibility, and/or laziness, while "pursuing" a dream, can surely end in bitter disillusionment.   But hey!  We're nearing the finish line.  Let's check again with our Personal Trainer, get our eyes on the goal, be diligent in personal discipline, and run this last lap with determination, daring, and expectation of winning the prize!   We can't afford to veer off course with distractions or disappointments.  At best, life is precious and brief.  We serve a Magnificent, Miraculous, Great Big God.  We dare not live for a small thing!

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