Saturday, May 21, 2011


Take apart your computer,

all the intricate bytes of motherboard.
Take it aboard a spaceship,

beyond the gravity of Mother Earth.

Fling it into orbit and

 watch it reassemble itself into
perfect precision.  Then, and

 only then, tell me there's no Father God! 

Are you a thinking person, my friend?  Think it takes too much faith to believe that God is?
Many books, written by persons much more learned and capable than I give valid arguments for God's existence--that would take more "faith" to refute than to accept.  I came to my own personal line of reasoning years ago.  Perhaps, sometime I'll share more of that.
     Know what, though?  I talk to God; He communes with me.  I feel His love; I am complete in His presence.  I'm very flawed; yet His very nature dwells in my humanness in an awesome way that fills the "God-shaped vacuum" inside each of us, that fulfills the cry of my spirit.  If you will draw near to Him--even though you may be full of questions and doubts--He will draw near to you.  "You will seek Me and find Me," He promised, "when you search for Me with all your heart."  Not just your intellect--your heart.  

     But there's only One Way, One Door, One Shepherd, One Mediator of the better covenant between God and man--the God-man, Christ Jesus.  There have been many admirable men,; but He was the ONLY sinless One, and the Only One Who died for you and me, in our place, to pay the penalty of our sin and rejection of God's authority, the Only One with an empty tomb!   He made it possible for us to approach God directly because of His love.  If  you confess Him with your mouth and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you WILL be saved.  You don't have to understand it all; you may just want to pray something like this:

     "O, God, if there is a God, I need You.  I don't want to accept some fallacy or emotional crutch just because I'm empty inside; but if You're real, please reveal Yourself to my heart and help me to believe."  Now, get a Bible and read the Gospel of John.  Just allow Him to shine His light into your spirit, then pray, "Lord Jesus, I want to receive You as my Savior and Lord.  Please forgive all my sin; make me new; I believe You died on the cross for me and that God raised You from the dead.  I want to live for You while I'm here on earth and be ready when you return for me.  Help me to know You more.  In Your name, I pray...amen."

     If you do this, seek fellowship with other believers.  And I would be absolutely thrilled to learn of your decision, if you should want to let me know.  Welcome to a brand new life!  You may sometimes feel lonely again, but you will never, ever be alone.  He made you for Himself, and He knows you and loves you more than anyone, anywhere. 

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