Wednesday, May 18, 2011


side stepping
manure trails

slippery slopes
squish-caked shoes
squash hopes for
coming out
in clearing
smelling clean.

Certain paths should be
could be the lead horse.
Of course, I didn't
have to swallow what
he said and follow.

But how do I find
ground to turn around
center cow pasture?
Just do it!  The trail
in leads out again.
Back track thru' doo-doo

and wash in the stream
of clear conscience and
whole truth confidence.

Ever feel like you stepped in "it" big time?  You didn't set out to walk into a stinking mess, but maybe someone led you there--either physically or in conversation.  Hey, at some time or another, we've all been there--at least most of us!  That's why it's a good idea to pray at the beginning of each day...

"Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Thy sight, O LORD, my Strength and my Redeemer."  And of course, the prayer Jesus taught His disciples..."Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil..."  His Word, a "lamp to our feet and light to our path" steers  us right, too.

But if (or when:) you blow it, don't think it's too late to turn around and find your way back; it's not!  If you need a guide, I recommend One called the Holy Spirit.  He's as Gentle as a dove and Powerful as a mighty River, Wind, or Fire--never destructive to anything but bondage and sin, as healing as miraculous Oil, giving laughter like Wine in exchange for despair.  Turn around; He's waiting for you! 


  1. I'm not sure why some of my posts (like this one) look one way when I do them and another when viewed! Wish I could make the spaces between verses appear--and lines come out right! Anyway, here it is--as requested:) I'll have to do a "pretty" poem, next time, eh? Of course, real life isn't always, is it?

  2. I don't know much about cow chips...but this post reminded me of all of the times growing up when I would step in doggy do~do...oh my goodness it would stink so bad! Sometimes I even tracked it in the house and momma would make be go outside and scrape it all off with sticks and then scrape my shoes in the sand or gravel, and the grass until it all came off. Then she would tell us to always check our shoes before we came running in the house.

    Spiritually I think we sometimes get off the track and step into some unpleasant junk that makes us smell bad too. Sometimes our lives just stink! But praise God for His love and forgiveness when we confess our sins. Yup...He cleans us and freshens our lives anew! What a wonderful Lord!


  3. Hmmm. Have you ever come into the house, not even realizing you've stepped in a "pile" until you smell the telling odor? Sometimes my trails through the cow pasture have been like that, too. I stepped in a mess and wasn't even aware of it until the "end" results wafted back to me.

  4. Thank you, sweet ladies, for your insights & comments. Both so true. I appreciate you so much! Linda, I tried to e-mail you but couldn't; so great to hear from you again.
