Practice smiling when all is going wrong.
Sing a song--if it chokes you--smile and sing!
Take a nap, take a stroll in the sunshine.
Take time; marvel at a butterfly's wing.
Laugh, praise, raise your head and give thanks always
for all things large or small you can recall
feeling grateful for. Remember all those
along life's way who brightened a dull day.
Express appreciation to one who
doesn't expect it. Or give someway to
him who can't repay. Don't wait; just do it!
Enjoy sky's canopy of hope--starlit--
or the fading of darkness into dawn,
majestic magic of a brand new morn.
Exercise, eat right, clear conscience and clutter;
Establish schedule, budget, personal order.
Trust in Him above Who made all and calls
you who are weary to rest in His love.
Someone said that this was "depression awareness" week. The above poem isn't poetic in its imagery--just full of practical reminders for myself I thought I'd share:) Of course, there are other issues, like guilt and blame, to deal with. But if you're a Christian and feeling down, please walk up my suggestion steps. :)
Even as I jot this, I realize some struggle with clinical depression that requires medical help like a diabetic needing insulin. So, I'm not downplaying that. Others, like my precious brother, can't take a stroll anywhere. Yet, he does all he possibly can for and by himself and keeps a winner's attitude always--refusing to focus inward.
Let's look around us and look upward. Worship is the only sure antidote I know of for grief; and appreciation--for all God is and has made, for all that's good in others, all the gifts we've been given--blows away bog fog. And happiness sure gets a vitamin shot when we contribute in some way to another's well being. Life isn't always ideal, but there's plenty of actual to enjoy! :) Be very glad that you are alive, that your forever life will never end, that both now and then can be full of love.
Amen! (:>)