Wednesday, April 13, 2011

cockamamie Style

Image credit Hunter-Desportes on Flickr
Who sets the Standard for
what is In--                   or
What Royal Roost cocks his head
            to introduce
what must be                      said

Image credit alexperuso on Flickr

Harem chickens comply
      for accolade eggs of
                   gold or fame.
I belong to a Higher order;
     must I play the game?

Both the secular and church worlds seem to have their own unseen fashion gurus who decide what is or is not acceptable, even "in"--
in dress, hair styles, spoken expression, music,
movies, writing style, home decor and color, and more.

Our effectiveness, in this time-bound world, is
linked to this, like it or not.  But, don't you ever just wonder who decides these things-- and feel like doing what looks/feels good or seems right to you?
(Not to mention what matches your purse and personality)!

Just a reminder that we are, after all, eternal beings.   Millions of people worldwide-- as "in" in their Creator's eyes as any of us--speak differently, and feel grateful if they have anything to eat and wear at all.  They may not even know how to read or write, let alone worry about style!  Let's give each other a little space for individuality--and maybe reconsider what we reject.  Doesn't mean we have to agree with what's wrong, but disagree because of essence, not expression.  Each person is valuable.
We could be discarding treasures; the gift is more than the wrapping!  :)


  1. Ah, you say it with such finesse! I wonder where your daughters get all their deep thoughts and beautiful ways of expressing them? The apple doesn't fall far from the tree - 'tis true!

  2. How encouraging you are! My daughters' deep thoughts don't always correlate with my own:), but I love their hearts and their talent--already more developed than my own! Yours has always been an inspiration, too.
